Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Last Stand

After watching the debacle we call the Federal Government for the last 10 years or so, Ive given up trying to voice my concerns and expecting anyone besides myself giving a damn about them. Despite every hope, its foolish, in my opinion, for me to expect different results coming from the same broken process, therefore, I no longer participate in the national elections...I refuse to validate those that exploit the process for personal gain, and I believe I have every right to criticize (though I generally dont) those who continue to support it.

With that said, I also believe the true seat of "power" originates with the individual, and that without the involvement of the individual there is no representative government body or government "authority" simply cannot exist otherwise. But I also know no man is an island upon himself, therefore, it is through voluntary cooperation that a civil society truly functions, and its through the nurturing of those relations established that a community thrives. In other words, we need each other and look to one another for support.

And upon whom do we turn? Our Family, Friends and Neighbors - the very people we entrust with our lives (Fire Fighters, Peace Officers, Medics), elevate to positions of authority for guidance (Board and Committee Members) and the caretakers (Public Works, Educators and Trustees)....that is the government that is closest to us, as individuals; it is the Town.

The Town Government, in my opinion, is our first, last and only remaining organised, civil defense against the trespasses of personal sovereignty.  If an individual hasnt the desire for maintaining self-preservation through the only remaining vestige of mutual cooperation and civil order, then they really have no right to complain when its threatened. What remains if not the Local Government, but a tribal association of family and friends and upon whom shall you rely when the resources *it* possesses begin to fail or fall short of demand?

You may think Im contradicting myself in essentially saying that "I have the right to bitch but you dont", but Im not. The Federal Government is illegitimate because it hasnt and isnt acting in good faith, and isnt functioning within the bounds of mutual or voluntary cooperation as originally constructed. It has invalidated itself through its own actions and warrants NOTHING from me other than what it must extract through the threats of force and coercion as a result...not least of which, my respect or allegiance, and only through individual action at the local level, within Town Government, can we continue upholding these standards we value as principled human beings.