Sunday, December 30, 2012


Town of Milton
Board of Selectmen
Wednesday December 3, 2012
Milton Town Hall
6:00 PM
Members in attendance: Bob Bridges, Bob Srnec and Tom Gray.
Also in attendance were Wendy Keane Recording Clerk, Joe Ryan Town Administrator, Jerry Coogan, Jack Mettee, Larry Brown, Don Dunton, Bob Carrier, Robbie Parsons, Bob Naeger, and Fire Chief Nick Marique.
Regular meeting opened at 6:25 Pm.
December birthdays of employees were noted.
Public Comments: Bob Naeger asked if there will be a committee formed to hire the next town administrator. Bob Srnec stated that the format that Primex used will be the similar format and a citizens committee for screening. The Board will then pick from the 5 that Committee comes up with and that will probably not begin until after the first of the year.
Robbie Parsons, stated that the agenda online is not the same as is here. Jerry Coogan and Bob Carrier stated that it is the one they saw online.
Don Dunton stated that Rays Marina will be closing and there are people in town that would like to see that piece of land come back into town or state possession to be used as a park or something similar.
Bob Bridges stated that he could not support that as we need the revenues from the site. There is also no access to the lake from that site due to the railroad tracks and the marina accessed the lake from the Maine side. Don Dunton said that there was previously a scenic view there and he thought it would be an opportunity to restore that.
Public comment session was closed. 
Jerry Coogan and Jack Mettee entered the meeting.  Jerry stated that a small grant was given for a small charett and Jack has been working with Wendy and Bob Bridges and he has done some work regarding timing and wanted to present this information and get their thoughts on proceeding with this. He would like it to proceed with a participatory feel from the landowners and others.
Jack Mettee, stated that he wanted to reiterate that he had a good meeting with Bob B and Wendy last week and has gotten a good start with properties in question and Wendy has presented them (the BOS) with the schedule and what the following steps will be and he hopes this will be finished in the spring. He is hoping to get a group, advisory committee, to establish a time to have this workshop and discuss some of the details on how to pull this off and then do enough publicity to get people involved as this will get a lot of discussion going around town and it is important to include all people as it goes along.
As background, he has put together a table with property owners by parcel, area and what properties may be logical to consider, at the same time working on putting together base maps for this. He has been in touch with Charlie to develop maps to lay out potential ways theses areas can be developed.
Jerry Coogan stated that once the schematic diagram is done, they would like to get in on DRED, Town website, commercial RE Brokers and PSNH. The key is positive involvement of landowners and they have already had preliminary conversations with some. They have already secured a planner, Landscape, engineer and would like someone from DOT be on the design committee as well as Denise from Webco for the financing. Don Dunton stated that he is the largest land owner on the corners at exit 17 and is supportive of this.  Don Dunton offered to be on committee. Bob Srnec stated that the Committee needs to be started as soon as possible. Bob S asked the pleasure of the Board who relayed that they would like those interested as well as Jerry Coogan and or Jack Mettee to come into the next scheduled meeting on December 17th.
Jerry Coogan stated that he has been following the Rays Marina site and has been in contract with DRED about marketing but did not want to proceed further until he spoke to the BOS about this.  He could contact RE Brokers and/or other Marina’s. Bob Srnec stated that first we will need to find out who will own the property, if they have gone bankrupt or if the original owner holds a lien or where it stands at all. All we know is that January 1st it is supposed to be empty. Bob B said if it goes into bankruptcy it may be tied up. Jerry spoke with Chris Way from the state of NH and he wants Mr. Way to follow up with the employees of Rays which is what he does for the State. He also knows there are some local employers who may need these employees.  Bob Bridges said that it would be good to follow up with the current owner.
Jerry Coogan asked if the Board would like Jerry or Jack to be present at the meeting on December 17th to speak with those interested in being on an economic development meeting.
Bob Bridges stated that one or both should be present.
Nick Marique stated that 6 months ago they began looking at a thermo imaging camera and they contacted 3 or 4 providers and had demos and got prices. Basically he let the entire department look at the cameras and give their feedback and overwhelming support went to the ISG E380 sold by Bergeron who is who we buy our fire gear from. It is $13,255.00 The difference between the two cameras, other than the fact it is the one everyone liked the above mentioned better, is that there is a standard that the camera meets but the standard has not been published yet on one, this camera will meet this standard whereas the others will not. It uses lithium ion batters which is a benefit as the newer batteries can be put back in the charger. The least expensive camera was not well received in the station. The funding is intended to be taken out of the fire apparatus and equipment capital reserve fund which has adequate funds at this time. The last camera was bought in 2005 and was a use demo that was gotten with leftover grant money. One has never been purchased with town funds.
Bob Bridges asked if the $125 in shipping costs would be included. Bob said he has it listed at 13255 or if he is asking for the 13,380.00. Nick Stated that he believes they would also have to pay for the shipping costs.
Tom asked the difference between the one chosen and the elite. Nick said the difference is the ergonomics and the button design and the screen the color pattern and the temp pattern is different for the temps and colors. They are trying to standardize the cameras across the country and the one he is choosing would be the best fit. Tom asked of the truck mount charger is included. Bob B said yes.
MOTION: Bob Bridges moved to expend $13,380 out of the Fire apparatus and equipment CRS to purchase the thermal imaging cameras. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0.
Joe stated that when the town spends this kind of money for equipment then there should be very direct policies and asks if this piece of equipment comes with training. That it be clear to the Dept Head to set a policy on usage and maintenance of the equipment.  Nick stated that all of the equipment will need yearly testing. Nick is in the process of writing the policy.
Don Dunton stated that he has offered to the Town dry hydrant sites from a pond in front of his house as well as the marsh area. Bob Bridges inquires if that is near the dip on Mason Rd. Don Dunton stated it is. Bob B said that at one time they looked into that but it came down to safety issues of parking in the dip. Nick stated that when the Hazard Mitigation plan was done this summer dry hydrants was one of the things that was discussed.
MOTION: Bob Srnec moved to accept the pet resuscitation masks donated to the FD by an anonymous donor and to publicly thank that person. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0.
Nick stated that training has been set up with the Milton Vet for training on the use of the masks.
A general thank you to the party that donated the pet masks for oxygen and resuscitation. Nick also stated that there is housekeeping going on at station two and would like to remove and dispose of bad gear that is up there. The BOS gave permission to dispose of it.
Discussion on the light at the Dam was tabled.
Approval of minutes:
November 19th 2012 Regular Meeting.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to approve as written. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
November  19th
Non Public #1 page 2 to Tom Gray stated that “because they are not property owners” should be changed.
MOTION: Bob Bridges moved to accept with change. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0.
November 19th Non Public #2.
MOTION: Tom moved to approve as written. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to approve the meeting minutes from November 28th,2012 as written, Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to approve the Non Public meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to accept and sign the manifest. Seconded by Bob Srnec, Motion carried 3-0. 
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to approve the invoice #00121052NH for Harriman for $1200 to be taken from the Herbert Downs fund. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
It was requested that Joe have Joanne to run an expenditure report this week.
Joe Ryan stated that he needs direction as to a workshop for the default budget as well as setting dates regarding potential warrant article reviews.
Default Budget was set for December 17th at 5pm.
Warrant dates: Bob Bridges stated that they are putting in for Capital Improvements for 5k again this year, we will have to change it to the BOS as it is being done out of the Govm’t Bldgs budget.
Warrant schedules December 10th and 14th at 5pm.
Encumbrance Meeting: December 21st at 5pm.
Bob B said that we may have a problem with the budget and where we are at. Bob S said that is why we look to encumber and if we can for example with the insurance monies and other items already encumbered. Bob Bridges asked if we should freeze the budget at this time. Joe Ryan stated that we should have a better idea by next Monday where we stand.
Bob Bridges stated that he got an email from Bass Fanatics and that their banquet will be January 12th from 11-2 and was sent to Karen and the BOS inviting them. Tom said they do not give gifts or gratuities and he will be attending this year.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to adjourn. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy L. Keane
Recording Clerk

______________________   ______________________   ______________________
Chairman Bob Srnec               Tom Gray                                  Bob Bridges