Friday, February 1, 2013

Thoughtful Discourse

"You know what I've observed? When there is a difference of opinion, the interlocutor who is the first to scream, hurl insults, caricature, name call, and excommunicate, is likely to be the person least secure in his or her own reasoning power and the truthfulness of his or her own opinion. Such people are often trying to convince themselves because they are just a bit weak and fearful of what civil discussion would yield. But it's a bad way to go about it. These tactics don't actually work. They don't enlighten. And they certainly don't advance clear and deep thinking. 

On the other hand, people who are really rooted and broad, having considered an issue from many points of view, and fully understand a position, can afford to be calm, clever, and thoughtful. People who are really grounded and solid in a point of view not only do not mind challenges but actually welcome them as a opportunity to discover more and educate themselves further."

Jeffrey Tucker